站点图标 起风网

WSGI and Paste学习笔记

The Problem

HTTP Basics

WSGI application


The environ Dictionary :

A dictionary of strings

easy_install WSGIUtils



Component that acts like an application from the server’s point of view

with mddleware, you can do the following

Middleware Chains

Use Paste


from webob import Response

from webob.dec import wsgify

from paste import httpserver

from paste.deploy import loadapp


def application(req):

return Response(‘Hello World’)

def app_factory(global_config, **local_config):

return application

wsgi_app = loadapp(‘config:/root/paste.ini’)

httpserver.serve(wsgi_app, host=’′, port=8080)


paste.app_factory = app:app_factory



from webob import Response

from webob.dec import wsgify

from paste import httpserver

from paste.deploy import loadapp


def application(req):

return Response(‘Hello World’)


def my_filter(req, app):

# just print a message to the console

print(‘my_filter was called’)

return app(req)

def app_factory(global_config, **local_config):

return application

def filter_factory(global_config, **local_config):

return my_filter

wsgi_app = loadapp(‘config:/root/paste.ini’)

httpserver.serve(wsgi_app, host=’′, port=8080)


pipeline = myfilter myapp


paste.app_factory = app:app_factory


paste.filter_factory = app:filter_factory


Paste Deploy


admin_email = webmaster@example.com


use = egg:MyBlog

database = mysql://localhost/blogdb

blogname = This Is My Blog!


#points to application section in other config files


use = config:another_config_file.ini#app_name

# or any URI:


use = egg:MyApp

# or a callable from a module:


use = call:my.project:myapplication

# or even another section:


use = myotherapp


paste.app_factory = myapp.modulename:app_factory



use = egg:Paste#urlmap

/ = mainapp

/files = staticapp


use = egg:MyApp


use = egg:Paste#static

document_root = /path/to/docroot


use = egg:MyEgg

filter-with = printdebug


use = egg:Paste#printdebug

# and you could have another filter-with here, and so on…


use = egg:Paste#urlmap

/ = home

/blog = blog

/wiki = wiki

/cms = config:cms.ini


use = egg:Paste#static

document_root = %(here)s/htdocs


use = egg:Authentication#auth

next = blogapp

roles = admin

htpasswd = /home/me/users.htpasswd


use = egg:BlogApp

database = sqlite:/home/me/blog.db


use = call:mywiki.main:application

database = sqlite:/home/me/wiki.db


pipeline = filter1 egg:FilterEgg#filter2 filter3 app




class AuthProtocol(object):

    “””Auth Middleware that handles authenticating client calls.”””

    def __init__(self, app, conf):


    def __call__(self, env, start_response):

        “””Handle incoming request.

        Authenticate send downstream on success. Reject request if we can’t authenticate.


def filter_factory(global_conf, **local_conf):

    “””Returns a WSGI filter app for use with paste.deploy.”””

    conf = global_conf.copy()


    def auth_filter(app):

        return AuthProtocol(app, conf)

    return auth_filter


def app_factory(global_conf, **local_conf):

    conf = global_conf.copy()


    return AuthProtocol(None, conf)



paste.composite_factory = glance.api:root_app_factory

/: apiversions

/v1: apiv1app

/v2: apiv2app


def root_app_factory(loader, global_conf, **local_conf):

    if not CONF.enable_v1_api:

        del local_conf[‘/v1’]

    if not CONF.enable_v2_api:

        del local_conf[‘/v2’]

    return paste.urlmap.urlmap_factory(loader, global_conf, **local_conf)


